Duties & taxes
Canada: Sales tax will be charged according to the province of delivery. You will not be charged any duties upon delivery.
International: Your order will be shipped on a Delivery Duties Unpaid basis, and may incur duties, fees, and import taxes upon delivery. We cannot comment on whether or not any customs, taxes or duties will be charged. Customs may hold your package for further screenings. There is no guaranteed date of release and we cannot supply any details regarding this process. For more information, please consult your local customs office.
Shipping rates & time
We are happy to provide FREE shipping within CANADA & US. For international shipping please contact us to inquire.
All domestic orders will be shipped using Canada Post. Standard Shipping with Canada post is 2 to 7 business days based on location. If you require your order sooner, please use Express Shipping or email us to arrange customized shipping.
All international orders will be delivered between 3 to 7 business days. You will see the time frames at checkout once your shipping address has been entered. If you require your order sooner, please contact us to arrange a customized shipping.
All delivery estimates are estimates only. These do not include processing time. Each item may have a different processing time. Please contact us to inquire about express shipping and rush orders. Please be honest with the event date and your preferred arrival date so we can give you an appropriate response. We will do our best to reach your deadline.
Shipping Policy
We are not liable for the contents of the shipment and are not obligated to give you a refund if orders are lost or not delivered on time due to:
- incorrect information being provided at the time of purchase. This includes, but is not limited to, phone number, address, email address or any other important information
- failure to make required customs, duties or tax payments
- failure to pick up your package from your carrier location
- failure to provide required order details such as measurements and design by requested date
- failure to provide full payment
ALL ORDERS: We reserve the right to cancel any orders.
All sales are final and NO refunds. Including shipping Costs.